How To Get Rid Of Clover In Your Lawn

Tired of clover taking over your once-perfect lawn? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Clover is a common weed that can invade lawns, but there are several effective methods you can use to get rid of it. Read on for tips and tricks on how to reclaim your lawn and say goodbye to clover for good!

What Will Kill Clover But Not Grass?

There are several herbicides available that are effective at killing clover but not grass. Here are some herbicides that you can use to get rid of clover without damaging your lawn:


This is a selective herbicide that targets broadleaf weeds, including clover, without harming most grasses.


Dicamba is another selective herbicide that is effective against clover, dandelions, and other broadleaf weeds. It can be applied directly to the leaves of the weed or as a spray over the entire lawn.


This herbicide is commonly used to control clover, dandelions, and other broadleaf weeds. It can be applied to the lawn as a liquid spray or as a granule.

When using herbicides, always follow the instructions carefully and apply them only to the affected areas. Be sure to apply the herbicides when the weather is dry and calm, as wind or rain can cause the chemicals to drift onto nearby plants.

How Do I Permanently Get Rid Of Clover?

Getting rid of clover in your lawn permanently can be a challenge, as it is a resilient plant that can re-emerge if not dealt with thoroughly. Here are some easy and simple steps you can take to permanently eliminate clover from your lawn:

Manual Removal

Begin by manually removing as much of the clover as possible, using a hand weeder or small trowel to dig up the entire root system. This may take some time, especially if you have a large infestation, but it is an effective way to get rid of the majority of the clover.


Clover tends to thrive in lawns that are low in nitrogen. Applying a nitrogen-rich fertilizer to your lawn can help promote the growth of grass, which can outcompete any remaining clover.

Seed Your Lawn

If you’ve removed a significant amount of clover, you may notice bare patches in your lawn. Reseeding these areas with grass seed can help fill in the gaps and make it more difficult for clover to return.

Apply Herbicides

If manual removal and fertilizing are not enough to permanently get rid of the clover, you may need to use herbicides. Choose a selective herbicide that targets broadleaf weeds like clover but won’t harm most grasses. Follow the instructions carefully and apply the herbicide only to the affected areas.

Regular Maintenance

Even after you’ve eliminated the clover, it’s important to maintain your lawn properly to prevent it from coming back. This includes regular mowing, fertilizing, and watering to keep your grass healthy and strong.

Why Do I Have So Much Clover In My Lawn?

Clover is a common weed that can invade lawns for several reasons. Here are some reasons why you may have a lot of clover in your lawn:

Low Nitrogen Levels

Clover is a nitrogen-fixing plant, which means it can take nitrogen from the air and convert it into a form that plants can use. Lawns that are low in nitrogen may provide a favorable environment for clover to grow.

Soil Conditions

Clover prefers soil that is compacted, poorly drained, or has a low pH level. If your lawn soil has any of these conditions, it may be more susceptible to clover growth.

Mowing Height

Mowing your lawn too short can create bare patches that are susceptible to clover growth. Leaving your grass a little longer can help prevent the growth of clover.


Overwatering your lawn can create conditions that are favorable for the growth of clover. Clover can thrive in moist soil, so it’s important to water your lawn only when it needs it.

Lack of Sunlight

Clover is a shade-tolerant plant and can grow in areas where grass may struggle, such as under trees or in areas with limited sunlight.

What Is The Best Clover Killer?

The best clover killer depends on your specific situation and the severity of the infestation. Here are some of the most effective types of clover killer:


There are several herbicides available that can effectively kill clover. These herbicides work by targeting the clover and leaving the grass unharmed. Look for a selective herbicide that is labeled for use on clover and follow the instructions carefully.

White vinegar

A solution of white vinegar and water can also be effective in killing clover. Mix equal parts of vinegar and water and apply it directly to the clover leaves. Be careful not to get the solution on your grass, as it can harm your lawn as well.

Boiling Water

Pouring boiling water on the clover can kill it and prevent it from growing back. However, this method can also damage your lawn if not done carefully, so it’s important to be cautious.

Manual Removal

If you only have a few patches of clover, you can remove it manually using a hand weeder or trowel. Be sure to dig up the entire root system to prevent it from regrowing.

Getting rid of clover in your lawn can be quite a challenging task, but with the right and effective approach and tools, you can achieve a lush, healthy lawn free of clover. Remember to maintain healthy lawn conditions and consider using one of the effective clover-killing methods mentioned earlier. If you need professional assistance, our company is here to help you. Our experienced team can provide you with the necessary expertise and equipment to get your lawn back in shape. Don’t let clover take over your lawn – contact us today and schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a beautiful, clover-free lawn!

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